FAIS Constitution - FAIS Africa

About FAIS

The Federation of African Immunological Societies (FAIS) is a
regional federation of immunology societies in and from Africa. The
FAIS exists within the framework of the International Union of
Immunological Societies (IUIS), to which it is affiliated, under
Article 2.1.2 of the IUIS constitution.

Objectives of FAIS

  • Closer Contact

    To encourage and promote closer contact and interaction between
    immunologists on the African continent.

  • Support

    To encourage and support educational/training programs that
    will improve the quality of immunological research, teaching and
    practice in Africa.

  • Advocate

    To advocate for the field of immunology in Africa.

  • Complement

    To complement, and not compete or conflict with, objectives and
    activities of other similar organisations on the African

FAIS Membership

  • Membership

    Regular Members: Any country-based immunology society that has its address within
    Africa and is a member society of IUIS may qualify for FAIS

    Associate members: This should cover other organizations in-country that are not IUIS

  • Non discrimination

    FAIS requires that member societies not discriminate on the
    basis of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or

  • Democratic

    FAIS requires that a democratic procedure be followed for the
    election of its officers.

  • Working together

    FAIS membership may be terminated when criteria above are not


FAIS will have two governing bodies: an Executive, and a Council.


  • The Executive will consist of at least five officials:
    President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate
    Past FAIS President. All Executive officers will be members of
    individual country societies. With the goal of having a 50:50 gender balance.
  • If a member of the FAIS executive committee resigns, the remaining members of the
    executive committee will appoint an interim member to temporarily fill the vacant
    position until an extraordinary election of the FAIS General Meeting is conducted to
    permanently fill the vacancy.
  • If all four African regions – North, West, Central, East and
    Southern – are not represented among the President, Vice
    President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past FAIS
    President, the Executive may appoint a single additional member
    from each region not represented to the Executive. These
    appointed members will have voting rights. Therefore, the
    Executive may consist of more than 5 officials.
  • The President will call and chair all FAIS meetings, including those of Council and General Meetings. The President will serve as the official spokesperson of FAIS. The President will represent FAIS at meetings of affiliated organisations, including the IUIS.
  • The Vice-President will assist the President, and act on his/her behalf at the request of the latter, or if the latter is unable to perform her/his duties.
  • The Secretary-General, or her/his delegate will be responsible for communications of FAIS and its Executive. This includes documentation of Executive, Council and General Meetings and maintaining records and the website of FAIS, maintaining correspondence and contact with FAIS member societies and with those organisations to which FAIS becomes affiliated, and maintaining a directory of members of societies.
  • The Treasurer will prepare and distribute budgets, and collect monies, grants or donations made to FAIS. The Treasurer will make payments as required by Council in the furtherance of the objectives of FAIS. The Treasurer is required to submit audited reports to the Executive and Council annually, and to delegates of the member societies at the triennial FAIS General Meeting.
  • Additional, specific portfolios may be assigned to additional members of the Executive, if any.
  • The Executive has authority to accept, reject or discontinue FAIS membership of individual societies.
  • The Executive may appoint additional persons to serve as non-voting advisors. The executive may also appoint non-voting operational officers. Any Executive member may assign specific tasks to operational officials.
  • The Executive has the authority to establish a FAIS-specific Fais Constitution or FAIS-specific entities within academic structures, and to open and operate a FAIS specific bank account.
  • The Executive will meet in person or via telephone at least 4 times a year, preferably more often. A quorum is 3 officers.
  • The Executive will keep records of meetings and activities, which will be reported to the Council on a yearly basis, and to delegates of the member societies in General Meetings of the FAIS.
  • Decisions of the Executive will be by consensus, and if not possible, by majority vote, and if the vote is a tie, the president of FAIS will make the final decision.


  • The FAIS Council will consist of the FAIS Executive committee and all the presidents
    of member societies of FAIS.
  • Council will assist the Executive when called upon to make critical decisions that
    require wider input, or to take part in strategic reviews of the FAIS.
  • Council may appoint additional persons to serve as non-voting advisors. The executive
    may also appoint non-voting operational officers, to help manage FAIS matters.
  • Council will meet in person or via telephone at least once a year. A quorum is 50% of the presidents.
  • Decisions of Council will be by consensus, and if not possible, by majority vote, and if
    the vote is a tie, the president of FAIS will make the final decision.

General Meeting

  • A General Meeting may be attended by any delegate from any member society of the FAIS. Operational officials or observers may also attend, but will have no voting rights.
  • A General Meeting shall normally convene at least once every three years at a venue decided by the Executive. Notice of such a meeting shall be given to all member societies in advance.
  • A quorum shall be representation from 50% of the member countries.
  • Officials that serve on the Executive will be elected at the General Meeting. Only the president of each member society or their representative may take part in voting.
  • An on-line (remote) voting system will be allowed if no representative can attend in person, and if the Executive is informed in advance that a country wishes to exercise this right. The incumbent Executive will assign an independent observer to oversee
    the election process.
  • Members of the General Meeting shall inter alia: a) elect a new Executive based on nominations, b) replace any person in the Executive who resigns, c) discuss any proposed changes to the constitution of FAIS and any other matter raised by the incumbent Executive through the Secretary-General. All elections and changes to FAIS Constitution require the approval of at least two thirds of all the voting members present.
  • Election of the Executive will be by secret ballot; voting for other matters will be by show of hand.

Finance, income and property

Management of Finance

The Treasurer shall be responsible for
management of finance of the FAIS, as stated above.

Grants and Donations

FAIS income and property are not distributable to its members or office bearers, except as reasonable compensation for services rendered. The income is principally from grants and donations.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of FAIS shall begin on the 1st of January and end on the 31st of December.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of FAIS shall begin on the 1st of January and end on the 31st of December.

Dissolution of FAIS

In the event that FAIS becomes redundant, the properties and assets of FAIS will be donated to an organization of similar standing in Africa. This decision will be taken by the Executive following consultation with existing active members of FAIS.