Funding Opportunities - FAIS Africa

April 9, 2022 | Scholarship fund to support displaced communities | Imperial College London

Scholarship fund to support displaced communities

Imperial College London has launched a new scholarship fund, currently totalling close to £250,000, which will support students from displaced communities such as asylum seekers and refugees, providing scholarships at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. The College will also widen support for PhD students and academics who have been displaced from their home country due to war, political unrest or environmental crisis. Professor Alice Gast, President of Imperial, said: "The conflict in Ukraine is only the most recent tragic reminder…

December 2, 2021 | ACTERIA Doctoral Thesis and Early Career Research Prizes | EFIS

ACTERIA Doctoral Thesis and Early Career Research Prizes

CTERIA Prizes awarded by EFIS - Singling out Europe’s young talents in Immunology & Allergology   The call for applications for the 2022 ACTERIA Doctoral Thesis Prizes in immunology and allergology is now open! Deadline for submission of applications: December 31st, 2021! Thanks to a partnership established in 2012 between the FONDATION ACTERIA – ACTing on European Research in Immunology and Allergology – and EFIS – European Federation of Immunological Societies – the ACTERIA Prizes are awarded to recognize and reward Europe’s young scientists…

January 12, 2021 | BactiVac Catalyst Funding | University of Birmingham

BactiVac Catalyst Funding

Catalyst funding for pump-priming projects is available to support our Network members in bacterial vaccinology to explore new approaches and strategies to advance their vaccines in partnership with LMICs and industry, and acquire the data to support substantive funding applications. Pump-priming projects Preference given to projects that: Target the pre-clinical/clinical bottleneck Tackle the global of AMR challenge Generate novel partnerships between: UK & LMICs Diverse network members Typically £50k for up to 6 months How do I apply? Network membership…

March 11, 2020 | TWAS-SAREP Opportunities | Global

TWAS-SAREP Opportunities

NIAID Study Phage Biology to Support Development of Bacteriophage Therapy Deadline: 18 March 2020 Apply for funds to better understand and evaluate bacteriophages and phage products used to prevent and treat bacterial infections. You must propose basic and/or translational research that could increase the overall knowledge base on therapeutic use of bacteriophage as products. You may request direct costs up to US$275,000 over 2 years. More information TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences Deadline: 31 March 2020 Under this…

October 13, 2019 | 3 Year Cycles | Global

The Global Fund

The Global Fund 3 Year Cycles The Global Fund makes smart, effective investments in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria through a unique, partnership-based funding model. The funding model, which continuously evolves based on new needs, learning and realities, recognizes the only way to end the three diseases as epidemics is by working together. This includes the Global Fund, governments, civil society, people affected by the diseases, technical partners, the private sector and other partners.

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