July 5, 2024 | |
FASCanto II available for Donation
- Becton Dickinson FacsCanto II flow cytometer analyzer (purchased in 2006)
- 3-laser configuration: blue – 488nm, red – 633 nm, violet – 405 nm.
- Detection of 2 physical parameters and 8 fluorescences.
- Fluidic cart in good condition + workstation (computer without hard disk, according to CNRS rules concerning sensitive data) + FacsDiva key (and installation executable v9.0.1).
- Functional device, maintained by the manufacturer with a full contract until November 2022, calibrated with CST every 15 days since.
- Serial number: V961 00 140
Please Contact:
Myriam Boyer-Clavel IGMM,
service MRI-cytometrie,
1919 route de Mende,
34293 Montpellier Cedex 5. France
+33 0434359637/90