The Beyond Sciences Initiative is an international organization established to engage scholars around the globe in science and outreach. A platform for communication, mentorship, with unrestricted access to knowledge and education:
Beyond Sciences Initiative: www.beyond
Announcing the BSI 7th. Annual Remote Conference.
Link to video for 2021 BSI Conference:
This online conference will take place on February 26th and 27th, 2022.
The intent is to have an accessible conference where international scholars will present their research to a broad audience. The conference will be broadcast live. In 2021 we had 1200 registrants from 100+ countries.
Conference topics: infectious diseases, cancer, chronic diseases, biotechnology and bioinformatics.
Once registered (at no cost), participants join the live conference by following the Zoom link provided. Presentations are selected from submitted Abstracts, by an international committee. Those not selected for oral presentations will be invited to present a digital poster. Prizes are awarded for the top oral and poster presentations. We also invite submissions of short documentaries – Hot Docs_ , 5-10min videos showcasing engagement with important social issues in your region.
Conference Website –