See the Program
Don’t miss the Wiley Publishing workshop sharing insights on how to get published and research ethics in academia! Speakers from both Wiley and respected Immunology Journals will cover a range of topics relevant for early career researchers and beyond.
This panel discussion will examine what scientific journals can do to support the career development of Early Career Researchers (ECRs). Check out the details and panelists on the ECI 2021 website.
In this panel discussion, members of the EFIS Vaccine Task Force will examine the main challenges that Europe has faced with vaccine rollout programmes during the pandemic, including the effectiveness of efforts to engage the public. Check out the details and panelists on the ECI 2021 website.
The study group Neuroendocrinoimmunology (AKNEI) of the German Society of Immunology invites you to participate in a satellite symposium preceding the European Immunology Congress to discuss the role of the neuroendocrine-immune network in the control of respiratory viral infections. For more information see here.
All sessions including details of interesting interactive sessions, industry symposia and all other new additions are now online under the scientific program.